Saturday, 31 March 2018

Local patch 27

March comes in like a lion and goes out like ... another lion. What a month this most unpredictable of months has been! Spring was stopped in her tracks by the weather from the East, suspended and forgotten. We stopped believing. We regrouped by the fire, forgetting tales of swallows and brimstones; we stoked the flames. It was tempting to retreat. But it was good to be outside too. Boots crunched in deep snow and the air was pristine and silent. The birds were caught out. We refilled the feeders several times each day, breaking the ice on their water, keeping them alive. Winter thrushes feasted in huge flocks; snipe came off the Levels and into the garden. That still and bright blanket of snow reminded us that nature is in charge. It does not take much to shut the roads and stop the trains. We listened to the silence and dreamed our dreams ...